In connection with the Florence And The Machine concert in Poland, we had decided to organise a competition, which allowed contestants to win tickets to the festival. The task was to create a poster which promoted the Florence And The Machine concert at Coke Live Music Festival according to requirements described in the rules of the competition.
The competition was met with great interest of FATM’s fans, as we received over 100 works from which we could choose the best two, which were prized with tickets to the festival, and additionally three more, which were later hung in the backstage area.
The main prize, a two-day ticket to the festival, was won by Klaudia Bałuniak and Magda Studnicka. Apart from this, the works which were hung in the backstage area were made by Magdalena Gawrońska, Kaja Słojewska and Anita Szyszka. The band members themselves were so amused with the posters that they asked us to send them all the other works so that they could take it back home! In other words, the competition can well be called successful and we’ re really satisfied with its results.
Translation: Daniel Wdowicz