Uwaga uwaga!
Termin: do północy 30. kwietnia 2014
Prace prosimy wysyłać na naszego maila [email protected]. W temacie należy wpisać: Konkurs na okładkę, a w treści (poza załącznikiem) swoje imię i nazwisko.
Najlepsze okładki zostaną wydrukowane w postaci albumowego bookletu. Zrobimy wszystko, co w naszej mocy, by Flo zobaczyła Wasze prace i osobiście wyłoniła zwycięzcę, na którego czeka wyjątkowa nagroda – autograf samej Florence! Chyba więcej motywacji nie potrzeba, zatem do dzieła!
Attention everyone!
We are pleased to announce the first competition this year. We all are impatiently waiting for the new album wondering if there are any songs already recorded and if Flo has retained the same dark and unique style known from previous CDs. However, besides the track list, the visual delivery is also very important. How would the cover of the third album look like?
This is what we’re asking for – we want you to design the cover of the third album – it can be computer graphics, handmade collage, painting, photo manipulation etc.
You can also come up with the title and put it on your cover (however it’s not necessary).
Deadline: midnight, 30th of April 2014
Please send your cover to our e-mail address [email protected]. Type Cover Competition as a subject and add your name and surname in the message (remember about attaching the file :))
The best covers will be printed as an album booklet. We will do our best to show it to Flo, who will then pick the winner herself! There is an amazing prize waiting for you – Florence’s autograph! We think you don’t need any more motivation, so let’s join the contest!