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Hello everyone! Florence + Machine concert at Orange Warsaw Festival 2018 is coming soon!
Recently, we have announced the concert action for Orange Warsaw Festival 2018 titled ‘Raise It Up’, about which you can read more here. In short, the main idea behind our project is to show the support for women and girls all around the world and show that we stand together. We are going to perform a concert action during the song ‘Rabbit Heart’, where fans would raise up the pink illuminated flowers as a symbol of women strength, devotion and all of us standing together.
As an additional part of the action, we would like to announce the poster competition which is closely related to the Girl Power idea.
We’ve run the poster competitions multiple times, and every time we have received absolutely amazing and very creative artworks which were not only appreciated by us, but also literally loved by the band.
Your task is to create a poster which captures the idea of Raise It Up as a concert action – showing the strength of girls and women!
You can create the artworks inspired by the female artists that inspire Florence (Frida Kahlo, Virginia Woolf, Patti Smith etc.) or those who inspire you. You can also relate to the motifs from Rabbit Heart or other Florence + The Machine songs, use different symbols and metaphors – the only requirement is that it is all kept in Florence + The Machine style. We count on your creativity!
We’d like you to use captions that capture the meaning behind our concert action (for example: WE RAISE IT UP, WE RAISE UP FOR FREEDOM/LOVE/EQUALITY/GIRLS, WE STAND TOGETHER etc.) Of course, this is is just a few ideas that you can adjust depending on your design!
Why do we want you to include those captions on your poster? There is a high possibility that the winners’ artworks will appear backstage at Florence + The Machine concert in Poland and hopefully put the band in the right mood before our concert action.
Everyone, from every country can take part in our competition! Even if you’re not able to join the festival, it’s a great opportunity to share your talent with Florence and many, many Flows!
1. Technical requirements:
There must be an Orange Warsaw Festival 2018 logo as well as the Wonder Foundation logo on the poster (click on the images below to download the high resolution graphics)
2. Deadline: 15th May 2018
3. Each participant can submit more than just one artwork.
4. Inspirations:
Artworks from previous editions of our poster competition
Please send your artwork to [email protected]. In the subject please include: Orange Warsaw Festival – Poster Competition and your name and surname in the message.
The organisers reserve the right to change the terms and conditions. (if so we will inform you about all the changes)