Open’er Festival 2016 – poster competition!

Open’er Festival 2016 is coming soon! That’s why we have the great pleasure to announce an amazing COMPETITION we prepared together with the organisers of the festival, Alter Art.

What is it all about?

You have to design a poster promoting Florence + The Machine concert at the Open’er Festival 2016! Use your imagination and create something fabulous! The only thing that counts is your creativity – just keep your mind open and surprise us!

As previously, there is a chance that the best artworks will be hung backstage in bands’ DRESSING ROOMS at the festival!

In previous poster competition editions, all the posters that appeared backstage, were taken home by the band! They were really impressed!

EVERYONE, from EVERY country, can take part in our competition!

Even if you’re not able to join the festival, it’s a great opportunity to share your talent with Flo and many, many Flows!


1. Technical requirements:

  • Format: B1 (vertically 707mm x 1000mm)
  • Minimum size: 2050 x 2900 pixels (150 dpi)
  • The electronic version should be prepared so that you can print the poster in high quality. (Preferred file formats: PDF, EPS or AI, or high-resolution jpg / png) Please keep the source files (for example, if you decide to make a poster in Photoshop, you should keep psd file)

There must be a logo of Open’er Festival Powered by Orange logo on the poster (link)

  • On your poster there should appear some kind of reference to Poland – let it be a flag or Polish national colours, or maybe an outline of Polish map – be creative! This is a necessary condition.

2. Deadline: 10th June 2016

3. Each participant can submit more than just one artwork.

4. Little inspiration?

Please send your artwork to [email protected]. In the subject please include: Open’er Festival – Poster Competition and your name and surname in the message.

The organisers reserve the right to change the terms and conditions. (if so we will inform you about all the changes)



Dołącz do akcji koncertowych - Open'er Festival 29.06.2016SZCZEGÓŁY

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